Sunday, October 29, 2017

The move-- October 29, 2017

What up fam and friends!!! hows the life in the states?

so not a ton happened this week. 
We got a family to accept a baptismal date!! nov 18! im sooo pumped! this family is sooooo ready. johnny and Pamela! (american names)
Also we had a baptism! she is 11 years old and her mom is a LA so this is helping the fam get stronger. we are now studying with her dad. Gotta work the family tree!! Her name was Mary Smith (talk about the most American name ever hahhaa). 
Church this week was solid. We watched Conference at the church builiding. The translation for Marshallese was sooooo bad it hurt. so i just went with my Kiribati group and watched it in English, they said they didnt really understand it all, but could feel the holy spirit. Conference is sooooo good, i love it! We had 6 inv. come to church and watch conf. after the first session the whole ward ate hotdogs and cake hahaha good stuff. 

One of my favorite talks was about how the Lord gives us hard things to help us grow and develop. If life was just so easy we would never learn. Just like a baby chick has to break out of its shell to grow and be strong, so do we. we have to go through hard things to be able to handle more stuff in life that will come our way. With every trial think "WHAT DOES THE LORD WANT ME TO LEARN FROM THIS?"   

Mother, there is a senior couple in my mission that are pretty new. They are the Seagers. And Brother Seager, i am pretty sure his name is Brian Seager grew up in Clovis and says he knows you and the whole Stoker fam. they have been living in Vegas for the past 20 years though. He also knows Luke Lions dad, idk his first name. Crazy small world.

Father, there is a family in my ward and there son went and lived in america for a while with his relatives and guess where he went to High school, mclintock high in Tempe, AZ!. Crazy!!!!!! such a small world! This guys dad is our Elders Quorum president and is big in Marshall Islands gov. he had dinnre with Bill clinton in th ewhite house! a Marshallese guy!!!!! 

ALso 'the move' consisted of me and my comp moving from our very nice house to a tiny small chapel house that is behind the church and is like 15 feet from the lagoon haha.  The house is smaller than my room at home and has a bathroom and little kitchen (sink and oven and stove) so its pretty crowded. its tiny hahah. but i will be fun, and easier to clean. 

love the mission!
Elder Tingey

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