Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Island Cowboys Oct 8, 2017

What up Fam and Friends!!!! Iakwe Iakwe, Mauri Mauri!!
what a time to be alive. 
First off a HUUUGE S/O to my cute sis Marissa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 22!!!!! its like ur an old lady now hahahahahh jk lol. Marshallese- jerammon nan kwe ilo rainin am. Kiribati- ko na tekaraoi n am bong aio. 
I will let you guys figure out what that says, but just a hint they say the same thing just two different languages.
Mother thank you for the package! im living large now haha PB and J for dayz!
also thank you to everyone who wrote a note on the posters, love you all.
So i love my comp, we are like best friends and we already know each other from serving in the same areas but different comps. its fun because we speak Marshallese when we want or we speak Kiribati. if we dont want a Marshallese person to understand we speak Kiribati (they understand a lot of english) or if there is Kiribati person, we speak in Marshallese. its fun. 
Also so at Zone conference they said what hats were allowed, so me and my comp got some hats hahahaha and we look like Island Cowboys hahahha its soo funny. i will send a pic next week.
Also my comp E.Ross and i talk a lot about hunting and the ranch and all up by Two Bear and whitney resorvoir because he knows that area too hahah it made us both so homesick hhahaahah but it was fun. 
This week was good. We have a car to use now so that we can go visit Kiribati people. We had several FHEs this past week and got too know more Kiribati people. 
At church we had 6 investigators!!!(Marshallese) they are so close to baptism. its just hard for them to really understand that they need to really have a desire to be baptized. also they all need to get married hahh. the struggle is real.
Kiribati branch is kind of struggling. Less and less people each week, but no worries because we will be working extra hard on that this week and so forth. My talk was solid though. I felt like my words flowed so much easier than before,,maybe because i prepared a litttle bit more hhahaha. 
President told me that i would be in charge of the Kiribati branch for a while hahaha so i just put the harness down and put my hands up for the ride. 
My first District meeting was solid! my district is awesome and so fun. basically my district is people that i have served with in other areas before. so i know everyone really well. Combined as a District (6 missionaries all in one ward) we had 14 investigators at church. #work!
Love the work!! the gift of tongues is real! 
i got to watch a little bit of saturday morning GC, meaning the first talk by Uchtdorf but it was sooooawesome!!!! 
love you all, remember that you never know how much of an impact you can make in someone’s life. Always be a good example and show love. Work hard and give it your all! That’s all that matters.
much love,

Elder Tingey

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