Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Year Mark! --Kiribati Branch Sept 10, 2017

what up fam and friends!!!! Iakwe! Mauri!
crazy that i have been out for a year now!! it was a year on thursday! crazy! i was happy to be back here in the Marshall Islands to celebrate my year mark with my intake! there was  a total of 6 of us on island for our year mark. there is 12 of us, well technically 13, but one is in the states. 
Of course we had a little celebration, dinner and then spray painted our shirts and then burned them. ill send pics!
This week was very stressful. I was trying to get everything ready for the Kiribati branch that happened on Sunday.
one day me and my comp took the AP's car (with approval) and went and invited all Kiribati people on the West side of Majuro. WHile we were in Laura, we had 2 sisters with us that were showing us the Kiribati sisters in there area. One house that we went to, it was off a small little road and there wasnt really room to pull off because it was surrounded by trees and bushes, so i pulled of like 3/4 of the way. It was a back road that i didnt expect any other car to come down in the next 2 minutes. My comp and I, went into the house for literally a minute and came out to see our car being driven over a small tree and then reversed quickly bakc over it and reversing into a big tree and a cracking sound and the tree almost falling on the car and then the car speeding forward again. 
Basically a car came,and one of the sisters (from Samoa and never driven before) took the car and tried to move it. She told me she thought the gas was the break and basically she crushed the back break light and destroyed the front bumper. so you could say i was trying not to get mad at her/cry. hahaha i was like frik me. i was entrusted with the car and this is what happened and it just so happened that President was coming in the next day. anyway it was a bad day. We still dont know who has to pay for it. we will see. Pres wasnt too mad about it. 
Then the other big event, the Kiribati Branch!!! History was made yesterday, Sunday, September 10th, 2017. I was very happy to be apart of it. I conducted church and also translated from Kiribati to Marshallese, Marshallese to Kiribati, and English to Kiribati. Dang was my head hurting hahahaha. we had about 12 people there, which is a good start. They all came to class after and President said he was very impressed with my lesson hhaha. Basically President loves me right now because of this Kiribati branch hahaha. after sunday school, we combined the Marshallese ward and the Kiribati branch for some food. Then we all took a big pic. History was made. Big moment in my mission, gotta love it!

Anyway i love you all!!!! ill send pics later. 
tekaraoi ngkami!! jerammon nan komian

Elder Tingey

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