Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Miracles and Mowing Lawns Oct 15, 2017

What up fam and friends!! 
shout out to my cousin ZACH for heading out on his mission to El Salvador this week! good luck big guy! much love!
Also shoutout to every getting engaged/married! Props! seems like everyone is doing it these days haha.

Busy busy week this week.Non stop work, like im trying to find time for personal study because we are so busy. From now on me and my comp go the the airport every Friday and Sunday morning because thats when the Kiribati flights come and go, so we go to invite people to church. It has been super succesful because i meet new Kiribati people and its just fun. people are very surprised when i start speaking Kiribati to them haha. my comp and i have a car now and are allowed to go all throughout Majuro to teach Kiribati people or even just to find them. so its like im an AP but not, hahha. Its fun. 

Also i am very busy in my own area with the Marshallese people. So many solid investigators. We had 8 investigators come to church! what a blessing! they are so awesome and are all couples, we just need them to get freakin married!! we have invited them all to accept baptismal date but for some reason none have accepted YET. no worries,time and patience. I also gave a talk in the Marshallese ward this week. It was solid! i gave a 10 minute talk on The importance of SundaySchool class and why we need to attend (its a problem here in the islands, they dont go to class) and i talked about how the children of israel had to eat manna for 40 years and everyday they had to get their food and that how us at church we come to get our spiritual food and how class is TakeOut food hahah. it was a really funny but good talk, everyone seemed to like it. and then more people stayed for class (some investigators too!)

Kiribati branch was Great this week!!! we had 12 attend and 3 members gave talks. It was the first week in 6 months that i didnt give a talk in Kiribati church. (But as i said before i gave a talk in the Marshallese ward so my streak still continues haha) It really hit me strong when one of the Kiribati ladies was bearing her testimony and she said as she pointed to me "I know this Elder was sent from God for us Kiribati people here in the Marshall Islands." That right there hit me really hard and made me realized how important this work is and how it affects their lives. It was a very special moment. After sacrament meeting, we had class, but for class we just practiced singing the hymns because thats what they wanted to learn better so that the spirit could be more felt during sacrament meeting. So that was fun. And then after that we gave one of the ladies a blessing because she was having some problems with her Husband. It was the same ladie that said that i was a blessing from God. another special moment. After the blessing she was crying and thanked us for our help. Dang this work is so cool. Sometimes i feel overwhelmed with the Kiribati branch, but i know it is helping these people's lives. 

Well we also picked up 6 new investigators this week. 5 solid ones! one is a family of 4. The man lived in the stated for a while so he is really smart and well educated. We taught the restoration and he said it was like watching a movie it was so cool. he said that wanted to learn more right then! so we taught the Book of Mormon. He immediately wanted a copy so we gave him one, and then he asked for us to get him some mormon movies for him haha. He was so excited! He told us after the lesson that he had been taught by Elders before and he said he didnt really understand. But he said "i think its because the spirit is with us this time" i was like holy freak this guy is so awesome and totally knows! Golden investigator. Please pray for him . 
another new investigator was a lady that walked up to us and asked us to teach her hahaha. so we were like ok, and she said sunday night. so last night we went and taught her and she also is smart and lived in America for 7 years and has seen the temple in Utah. she said she has been to a ton of Churches and never ever wanted to talk to the missionaries but then she said that she for some reason felt that she needed to open her heart and study with us. Wow talk about another golden investigator. 
So many miracles this week its like i cant count them all! The Lord is pouring these blessing on us everyday! 

We got to watch some GC this week, dang i love it!
District meeting was solid! President came to ours and gave me a good compliment on my work as  DL. Its all the Lord, im just the instrument in his hands right?

lastly, yes i mowed a lawn! it has been a while since i did this. We mowed the lawn of a Assembly of God Deacon. he is from Chuke and is just the nicest guy (im determined that he is ready to convert hahaah). We mowed his lawn and then he said that he will now call us his kids and that he will help us with anything we need. Service is key people!!!!!! 

Love the islands! love the work!

Elder Tingey

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