Sunday, September 3, 2017

......Aaaaaaaaand we"re back!!

January 23, 2017

What up fam and friends!!!!! sorry about this past month of no emailing. please no one get offended. the internet was down because they were puting an internet line in the ocean from guam to here in kwaj. like fiber something haha. anyway the internet was down for the month! also my P-Day got changed to Tuesdays. so ill be emailing monday nights american time. 

So i guess ill just try to do an overview of the highlights. So Christmas BEAT was probably one of the dopest things ive ever seen. im definetly coming back to the marshall islands for Christmas once. Then like January 14th i had my best investigator ever get baptized! her Name is Rotha Anitak and she is 14 years old and was doing missionary work before she was even baptized! she was bringing her friends to seminary in the mornings as well as bringing her siblings to church and her family to FHE's. And now we are teaching her family and her friends!! i freakin love her! she is the weirdest/funniest girl ever. and she is freaking good at english, like perfect, and she learned from just watching TV! 
QUick story about her, one night at mutual my comp made her mad by saying something that she understood wrong and got all mad and even started crying and we were so confused and all her friends were too. so we decided to make a cake and take it to her. so we did and she was really happy about it and said sorry to everyone haha and then we put candles on the cake and sang like it was her BDay hahha. then everyone started to have a cake fight and put frosting on each others faces and it was soooo fun. hahahha never did you think that having a cake fight with five 14 yr old girls could be fun hahahhah. we took a ton of pics and it was a solid memory made. 

SO i am about to move into a new apartment that is actually in my area. and let me tell you, it is freakin sick. its like right on the ocean and has a huge window that you can watch the sunsets on the ocean on everyone evening and it also has a balcony. and its brand new, they just built it. Im freakin pumped. literally people in amercia would pay millions for my view but we'll be paying only $750 a month. #killinIt 

So volleyball and basketball are like the two sports here.and everynight around 5;00 all the misssionaries and the youth/ members play volleyball right outside the church and its super fun and helps us build relationships with the members and we also bring investigators to come play as well. 

for service one day we also built a sea wall, so that more houses wouldn;t fall into the ocean hahha. one time it was raining super hard at night, and at first me and my comp like hid from it but then we said screw it hahha and just ran down the street in the pouring rain and we were just laughing and just like jumping in puddles and laughing like we were 5 year old kids hahaha. that sounds super gay hahhaa but it was sooooo fun LOL. goood stuff

Transfers: i am staying in Ebeye south (which im pumped about!) and my comp elder ski is going to majuro to be a DL. my new comp is elder robinson who is from the intake above me. (he doesn;t really know marshallese so im going to have to do a lot, and this transfer is going to have to take a lot of patience) we also got a new DL here in Ebeye who is really going to help Ebeye. im excited. 

Well everyone love you all! thats the scoop, for some reason my pics arent working, ill keep trying. PEACE for EBEYE MARSHALL ISLANDS!

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